
Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs

Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs looks at the larger context within which emergency management response occurs, and stresses the development of a program to address a wide range of issues. Not limited to traditional emergency response to natural disasters, it addresses a conceptual model capable of integrating multiple disciplines and dealing with unexpected emergencies.

Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs is an important book that will benefit students, law enforcement, and state and local emergency managers and planners involved in emergency management.

Guard Force Management, Updated 1st Edition

Guard Force Management looks at the contract guard force as a business and demonstrates how current management techniques can be used to improve efficiency and increase profitability. The author takes proven management principles and applies them to the competitive security industry.

This updated edition includes an entirely new chapter on preparation and response to crisis in order to maintain business continuity. The book focuses on administrative and financial functions that are frequently neglected in guard companies, and discusses planning and conducting guard operations in detail.

Contributing Author:

Principles of Emergency Management and Emergency Operations Centers (EOC)

Principles of Emergency Management and Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) provides a clear and up-to-date understanding of how an EOC should operate within the guidance of various federal and national programs. It discusses the processes and systems that must be considered in emergency planning and preparedness efforts. The culmination of more than four decades of experience, the text provides time-tested tips for those developing and revising emergency preparedness plans.

The book details the requirements for appropriate training and planning, both validated by a well-designed exercise program. Stressing the importance of consistency with the various national preparedness initiatives, it includes the latest developments and best practices in the evolving field of emergency management.

Principles of Emergency Management: Hazard Specific Issues and Mitigation

Principles of Emergency Management: Hazard Specific Issues and Mitigation offers preparedness and mitigation recommendations for advanced emergency planning. Because disasters are so unpredictable, advance planning is needed to effectively respond to and mitigate against the potential effects of such events.

Whether a disaster is natural or man-made, accidental or deliberate, the best way to protect the public is by implementing an integrated emergency management system incorporating all potential stakeholders through all phases of the event. As such, the book suggests best practices for drills, exercises, and pre-event team building and communication.